Special Offer: Buy All 13 Premium WordPress Customizable Themes for Just $53.99. Learn more

MotoSpeedPro Theme: Auto Rotate Slider Images

By default slider images in MotoSpeedPro Theme will not rotate until user clicks on prev/next arrows or play button.

In some cases you may want to make them auto rotate by default. It will require a small code change, here are all of the necessary steps: Read More…

How to Change Theme Text Direction to Right to Left

customizable themes

By default text direction in our customizable themes is Left to Right. However, if your website is written in Hebrew or Arabic text, then you probably will have to change text direction to Right to Left.

It will require a small code change. Here are all of the necessary steps: Read More…

MultiSport is now published at WordPress.org

We are happy to announce that our Free Sport WordPress Theme MultiSport is now published at WordPress.org


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