There is ‘One Click Demo Import’ support for our premium themes. That allows you to import demo content in your site (in order to look the same as our premium themes demos). Here are the necessary steps to do the demo import:
1. Install and Activate ‘One Click Demo Import’ Plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/one-click-demo-import/
2. Go to Admin Panel -> Left Menu -> Appearance -> Import Demo Data
3. Scroll down and click ‘Import Demo Data’
4. Wait about 5 minutes until import demo data completes
5. Go to Admin Panel -> Left Menu -> Appearance -> Menus
5.1. Load ‘mainmenu’ menu, then check ‘Primary Menu’ checkbox and save the changes

5.2. Load ‘footermenu’, then check ‘Footer Menu’ checkbox and save the changes.
5.3. (If there is ‘topmenu’ option) Load ‘topmenu’, then check ‘Top Menu’ checkbox and save the changes.
6. (Optional step) You can deactivate and remove the ‘One Click Demo Import’ plugin from your site, once you have imported demo content.