We have just published 2 new WordPress Customizable Themes:
MotoSpeed – Free Moto WordPress Theme.
MotoSpeedPro – Premium version of MotoSpeed which comes with many more features.
We have just published 2 new WordPress Customizable Themes:
MotoSpeed – Free Moto WordPress Theme.
MotoSpeedPro – Premium version of MotoSpeed which comes with many more features.
We are happy to announce that our Free Sport WordPress Theme MultiSport is now published at WordPress.org
If you use the Speed Booster Pack plugin, there could be issues with JavaScript our our themes. As a result, the Homepage slider could stop working.
Here is a how to resolve the issue if you use the Speed Booster plugin:
A child theme is a theme that inherits the functionality and styling of another theme, called the parent theme. Child themes are the recommended way of modifying an existing theme.
Reference: https://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes
In some case you may need to create a child theme for our themes. Here are all of the necessary steps:
In case you use a plugin for mobile (burger) menu such as WP Mobile Menu, you may want to hide/remove the theme default menu under mobile/tablet portrait screens (screenshot above). Here are all of the necessary steps how it can be done:
The Recent Posts Slider Widget (screenshot above) is included in all our Premium themes. It allows you to insert a slider with recent posts of your website. You can easily use it, just login to your Admin Panel, navigate to Left Menu -> Appearance -> Widgets -> then add ‘Recent Posts Slider Widget’ into some of the Widget areas such as Homepage Above Columns, Homepage Column #1, Homepage Below Columns, Sidebar Widget Area, etc:
By the default title of the items is same as blog titles from index page. In case you need to change the widget items titles, it will require a small code change, here are all of the necessary steps:
Today, 17-February-2017 is the first day of our small website about WordPress Themes 🙂
We’ve already added two themes to our website:
In some cases you may want to remove the header menu search icon. It will require a small code change. Here are all of the necessary steps:
1. Navigate to Admin Panel -> Left Menu -> Appearance -> Editor
2. Open yourtheme/inc/utilities.php
3. Find and DELETE the following code:
$result .= ‘<li><a class=”search-form-icon” href=”#” title=”‘.__(‘Search’, ’tishonator’).’”></a><div id=”search-popup-content”>’;
$result .= ob_get_clean();
$result .= ‘</div></li>’;
4. Save Changes
By default text direction in our themes is Left to Right. However, if your website is written in Hebrew or Arabic text, then you probably will have to change text direction to Right to Left.
It will require a small code change. Here are all of the necessary steps:
1. Login to your WordPress Admin Panel
2. Navigate to Left Menu -> Appearance -> Editor
3. Open header.php
4. Replace:
5. Save changes